Rivea Corymbosa from Mexico (10g)
Rivea corymbosa was already well known as a ritualistic and shamanic aid, but also as a medicinal plant, to the Aztecs. The spherical pod-like seeds were named Ololiuqui (English: a thing that has become round).
One of the earliest documentation of the use was written in 1629 by Hernando Ruiz de Alcaron, a Spanish missionary living in Mexico. He wrote at length about the importance of the seeds in the culture. The root of illness was often thought to be the anger of various deities, meaning often people made sacrifices to Ololiuhqui in order to be granted good health.
At the beginning of the last century it had long been assumed that the Ololiuqui usage was now extinct. But it is now clear that there are still a variety of Mesoamerican peoples such as the Zapotec, Mixtec, Mazatec or mixes who still use Ololiuqui for ritual purposes.
The seed’s main active ingredient is the ergoline alkaloid, lysergic acid amide, which is primarily known as LSA or Ergine.