Pausinystalia yohimba (20g) - shredded
Yohimbe tea has long been used by sexual magic circles of bohemian European cities, it has seen wide usage in Western culture and is still commonly used today as an way to enhance sex.
In Western African folk medicine, the bark was regarded as a powerful aphrodisiac and a way of increasing virility. It causes pleasant energy flows throughout the body, concentrating on the spine and arms, and increases the blood flow to the genitals leading to greater sensitivity and can both amplify and prolong an erection.
Yohimbine, an indole alkaloid related to tryptamine class, is the main psychoactive constituent of the bark and the source of the medicines stimulating and arousing qualities. Yobimbe is also often used by people partaking in erotic or tantric rituals.
Traditional Use: Tea ( maximum 1-2 Teaspoons ) - start with a low dose