Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola
Weight: 50 g   -    Price: 7.90€

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Hydrocotyle asiatica (50g)

Gotu Kola is also known as Fo Ti Tien in China. It cleans the body, increases mental accuity and acts as a stimulant. It also has a relaxing effect and increases vitality, fertility and sexual potency.

For use as a tonic, you take half a tablespoon of the pulverised herb, dissolve it in water and drink.

For a highly eroticized effect, you need to make a stronger extract. Add 30gr of the herb to a pint of boiling water. Let it brew, covered and on low heat, for at least 2 hours. Once it is down to the volume of a small cup, consume.


Traditional Use: Tee ( 1-3 Teaspoons )


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